Steps of USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination)

USMLE is also termed as ‘the Boards’ because it is a very challenging three-step exam to get a Medical license to practice Medicine in the US.


1. USMLE Step 1 or Basic Sciences Knowledge 2.a. USMLE Step 2 CK or Clinical Knowledge 2.b. Step 2 CS or Clinical Skills 3. USMLE Step 3 or Patient Management


What are the steps of USMLE?

* Step 1 type: The hardest part to go through * Exam level: Very Hard *Questions asked:  Application of knowledge of basic sciences to practice medicines.


USMLE Step 1 or Basic Sciences Knowledge

Step 2 type 1: The actual application of Physician’s clinical knowledge under supervision. * Exam level: Hard. * Questions asked: How to apply clinical Knowledge to practice medicines. * Eligibility criteria: During the 3rd and 4th year (Clinical Years) in Medical School.


USMLE Step 2 CK or Clinical Knowledge

* Step 2 type 2: Focusses on five main factors:Relationship Fostering Provision on Information Decision Making Emotional Support Handling Patient Behaviour’s * Exam level: Hard. * Questions asked: Application of ‘Clinical Skills’ on ‘Standardized Patients’.


Step 2 CS or Clinical Skills

* Step 1 Type: Apply the understanding and concepts of clinical science knowledge without any supervision by a physician * Exam Level: Very Hard *Questions asked: Ability to apply clinical science knowledge to patients without any supervision. * Eligibility criteria: After graduation * Time Duration: 2 days


USMLE Step 3 or Patient Management

*In USA or Canada:  candidates should apply in NBME (National Board of Medical Exam) website * Outside USA or  Canada:  candidates should apply in ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) website


Websites for Registration